Why Is Arequipa A Good Place To Grow garlic?
The Arequipa region, with its ideal topography and climate, is perfectly suited as a major agricultural hub for exporting fresh fruits and vegetables. Its inland location provides optimal growing conditions, free from the humidity that encourages fungal growth. Furthermore, unlike the Northern coast, the region is largely unaffected by the severe agricultural impacts of the […]
Garlic Properties And Benefits
Garlic is a vegetable known for its numerous health benefits. Over time, it has become a staple in various recipes from around the globe, making it a common ingredient in diets worldwide. Understanding the key advantages of consuming garlic is important for making the most of its healthful properties Properties of consuming raw garlic Cholesterol: […]
Globalisation Of The Brazil Nut Market

Brazil nut trees from South America are unique! The trunk is cylindrical, straight, and unbranched, reaching nearly 2 metres in diameter in older specimens. The canopy is very branched, spreading up to 20 metres in diameter. Flowers are solitary, or in clusters, about 2cm in diameter, with six pale yellow or white petals. The dried […]
Brazil Nuts Cultivation

Where are brazil nuts grown? Brazil nuts are the seeds of the Bertholletia Excelsa tree, a species native exclusively to the Amazon rainforests of Bolivia, Brazil and Peru. The majority of Brazil nuts marketed are obtained exclusively from the trees of natural plantations, not crops. A Brazil nut tree can produce Brazil nuts for 15 […]